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Showing posts from March 1, 2011

Cell Phone Radiation – Is It Dangerous

Cell Phone Radiation â€" Is It Dangerous " New studies by the acclaimed chief of the National Institute of Drug Abuse, psychiatrist Nora Volkow show that just 50 minutes of cell phone radiation excites the brain . This " Cell Phone Radiation – Is It Dangerous New studies by the acclaimed chief of the National Institute of Drug Abuse, psychiatrist Nora Volkow show that just 50 minutes of cell phone radiation excites the brain. This important finding strengthens the need for a major research program on cell phones and health, for revamping approaches to setting standards, and for putting warning labels on cell phones. Writing in the February 23 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association, a team of researchers led by Dr. Volkow, found that cell phone radiation significantly affected brain function and metabolism of glucose — the brain’s main fuel — in those parts of the brain that received the most cell phone radiation. These Findings Raise...

Potential Treatment for Breast Cancer Devised by Researchers

Potential Treatment for Breast Cancer Devised by Researchers " Potential Treatment for Breast Cancer Devised by Researchers at Queen University; Cause Behind Rare Skin Cancer Identified; Study: Food Treats to Pacify Kids Do More Harm " Researchers at the Queen University have developed a new gene technology that will help in the self-destruction of cancer cells. The technology is a gene transport system and has been named Designer Biomimetic Vector (DBV). The pioneering technology is of benefit because it can package a gene into extremely small nanoparticles, which allow the gene to be delivered inside cancerous cells. News regarding the research has already appeared in the publication known as the International Journal of Pharmaceutics and was funded by the Breast Cancer Campaign. Talking about the study, Dr. Helen McCarthy, from the School of Pharmacy, Queen University, said that providing treatment by amalgamating Designer Biomemtic Vector and iNOS has proved to b...