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Showing posts from June 10, 2009

Granulomatous Rosacea And Crohn's Disease In A Patient Homozygous

NOD2/CARD15 belongs to the N-terminal caspase recruitment domain family of proteins involved in regulating NF-kB activation in response to inflammatory stimuli transduced through Toll-like receptors. Mutations and polymorphisms in the NOD2/CARD15 gene reduce antibacterial responses and are associated with granulomatous inflammatory conditions such as Blau syndrome and early-onset sarcoidosis. The polymorphism R702W (arginine to tryptophan) is strongly associated with susceptibility to Crohn's disease in Caucasian populations. Skin abnormalities (other than cutaneous manifestations of Crohn's disease) have not been previously associated with R702W. We report on a female patient homozygous for R702W who developed granulomatous rosacea at the age of 12 years old. From the occurrence in the context of Crohn associated with R702W, we speculate that granulomatous rosacea may be an entity distinct from other forms of rosacea , which are associated with increased production of antiba...

Localized Lymphedema (Elephantiasis)

Lymphedema typically affects a whole limb. Rarely, lymphedema can present as a circumscribed plaque or an isolated skin tumor. OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical and pathologic characteristics and etiologic factors of localized lymphedema. METHODS: Case-control study of skin biopsy and excision specimens histologically diagnosed with lymphedema and presenting as a localized skin tumor identified during a 4-year period. RESULTS: We identified 24 cases of localized lymphedema presenting as solitary large polyps (11), solid or papillomatous plaques (7), pendulous swellings (4), or tumors mimicking sarcoma (2). Patients were 18 females and 6 males with a mean age of 41 years (range 16-74). Anogenital involvement was most frequent (75%)--mostly vulva (58%), followed by eyelid (13%), thigh (8%) and breast (4%). Causative factors included injury due to trauma, surgery or childbirth (54%), chronic inflammatory disease ( rosacea , Crohn's disease) (8%), and bacterial cellulitis (12%). Eigh...

The Cost-Effectiveness Of Rosacea Treatments

Topical and oral antibiotic/anti-inflammatory agents are mainstays of therapy for rosacea . However, costs and efficacies of these therapies vary widely. Objective: To determine relative cost-effectiveness of common therapeutic regimens using published data. METHODS: Average daily costs (ADC) were determined based on treatment frequency and estimated gram usage for facial application of topical regimens of metronidazole (0.75%, 1%), azelaic acid (15%, 20%), sodium sulfacetamide and sulfur 10%/5%, and oral regimens of tetracycline, doxycycline, and isotretinoin. The ADC was compared with published efficacy rates from clinical trials, with efforts to standardize outcome measures. Based on these efficacy rates, costs per success were calculated and combined with office visit costs to estimate the total cost for each treatment for a 15-week period. RESULTS: The medication cost per treatment success of topical regimens ranged from $60.90 ($205.40, total, including office visits) for metroni...

Steroid-induced rosacealike dermatitis: case report and review of the literature.

Cutis. 2009 Apr; 83(4): 198-204Chen AY, Zirwas MJSteroid-induced rosacealike dermatitis (SIRD) is an eruption composed of papules, pustules, papulovesicles, and sometimes nodules with telangiectatic vessels on a diffuse erythematous and edematous background. It results from prolonged topical steroid use or as a rebound phenomenon after discontinuation of topical steroid. There are 3 types of SIRD that are classified based on the location of the eruption: perioral, centrofacial, and diffuse. Diagnosis of this disease entity relies on a thorough patient history and physical examination. Treatment involves discontinuation of the offending topical steroid and administration of oral and/or topical antibiotics. Topical calcineurin antagonists should be considered as alternative or adjunctive therapies for patients who do not respond to traditional treatments. Dermatologists may need to provide psychological support during office visits for patients who have difficulty dealing with the disco...

Aczone, A Topical Gel Formulation Of The Antibacterial, Anti-Inflammatory Dapsone For The Treatment Of Acne

Allergen Inc has launched Aczone, a topical gel formulation of the antibacterial, anti-inflammatory agent dapsone, for the potential treatment of acne vulgaris . Oral dapsone has demonstrated efficacy in acne, but was associated with severe side effects such as anemia, which was particularly serious in patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency. Aczone was developed to overcome this limitation, and is formulated using solvent-microparticle technology for improved absorption and action and for fewer side effects. In a phase I clinical trial, systemic exposure to dapsone was 126-fold lower following treatment with Aczone compared with oral dapsone. Aczone significantly reduced lesion counts in patients with acne in phase III trials, and was particularly effective in reducing inflammatory lesions. In a phase IV trial, Aczone was safely applied to patients with G6PD deficiency without inducing anemia. Phase IV trials in patients with acne were ongoing at the time of ...