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Showing posts from June 8, 2009

Persistent Eyelid Swelling In Patient With Rosacea

Persistent facial swelling may occur as a rare complication of rosacea. This finding has been referred to as lymphedematous rosacea, Morbihan's disease or persistent solid facial edema. A literature review for cases of lymphedematous rosacea revealed that the chronic inflammatory process that accompanies the disease contributes to an increase in the permeability of blood vessels. With time, the lymphatic drainage system becomes permanently impaired, leading to fluid accumulation in the affected skin. Herein, we report the case of a 58-year-old female with history of rosacea who developed bilateral periorbital swelling with associated erythema of the conjunctiva (ocular rosacea) over a 4 month period that only responded to oral corticosteroids. Biopsy revealed changes of lymphedematous rosacea "Persistent eyelid swelling in a patient with rosacea" Morales-Burgos A, Alvarez Del Manzano G, Sánchez JL, Cruz CL P R Health Sci J. 2009 Mar ; 28(1): 80-2 ( High...

Otophyma, Zygophyma And Giant Rhinophyma

A patient, 64-year-old, is referred for the treatment of a giant rhinophyma. He refused any treatment during eight years. The interest of this case report is the size and the weight of the rhinophyma, the obstruction of the nasal airways and the resulting social disturbance. This exceptional clinical rhinophyma was associated with an otophyma, a zygophyma and ophthalmic disease. To our knowledge, this clinical presentation has never been reported before. The management of the rhinophyma and the otophyma was surgical excision, secondary healing followed by a full thickness skin graft associated to a fullface mechanical dermabrasion "Otophyma, zygophyma and giant rhinophyma: a rare association" Blairvacq JS, Yachouh J, Calteux N, Schmit S, Goudot P Ann Chir Plast Esthet. 2008 Oct ; 53(5): 441-7 ( Highlight : Treatment Of Rosacea | Acne Rosacea Antibiotic

Selection Of Therapy For Acne Vulgaris

The widespread use of long-term antibiotics to treat acne and rosacea has resulted in increased Propionibacterium acnes resistance to antibiotics. Although resistance may decrease treatment effectiveness in some cases, it also is clear that antimicrobial activity is not the only role antibiotics play in acne management. The anti-inflammatory activity of antibiotics contributes to antipropionibacterial efficacy. In addition, the use of benzoyl peroxide (BPO) in combination with antibiotics to reduce resistant populations of propionibacteria is widely advocated, as P acnes has not developed resistance to it. P acnes now is known to form biofilms, which are bacterial communities that live encased in a glycocalyx polymer that aids in adherence to surfaces, thereby delaying antibiotic penetration. In addition to drug resistance, patient compliance with acne treatment is an important issue. Because compliance is a function of tolerability and convenience, new moisturizing noncomedogenic veh...