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Showing posts from June 7, 2009

Validation Of Non-contact Technique For Local Skin Temperature measurements

Here we propose to quantify local temperature variations using thermal imaging to assess the effect of dermatological lasers. OBJECTIVES: To quantify the temperature raise induced by laser application and to differentiate the effects of a potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) laser and an intense pulsed light (IPL). METHODS: A randomized comparative study was performed on 10 adult volunteers with symmetrical rosacea treated by KTP laser or IPL. Skin temperature measurements were performed on inclusion, immediately after laser treatment and 3 min after thermal water application, using a high-resolution (0.08 degrees C) infrared thermal video camera. RESULTS: KTP laser treatment induced a significant rise in local skin temperature whereas no significant change was revealed by the IPL treatment. The infrared camera is a reliable and reproducible technique that allows a follow-up of skin temperature without skin contact. CONCLUSION: Thermography using an infrared camera could potentially be a...

Moisturizers For Treatment Of Inflammatory Skin Conditions

The maintenance of normal hydration is an important function of the skin. The stratum corneum provides an antimicrobial, antioxidant, and UV barrier and plays an integral role in maintaining skin hydration. Environmental factors and disease states may compromise the barrier function of the stratum corneum, leading to excessively dry skin. Evidence supports the use of moisturizers in the treatment of various skin conditions, and a wide variety of these products are currently available. The presence of moisturizing agents in a compound, however, may not guarantee optimal moisturization effects. Pharmacologic and physiologic (eg, concentration, bioavailability, and proper determination of moisturization effects), as well as patient-based considerations, can potentially influence the effects of moisturizer ingredients. While moisturizers as adjunctive therapy have proven benefits in enhancing the management of certain dermatologic conditions, the incorporation of moisturizing ingredients i...

Persistent Lymphoedema In Morbihan Disease

Morbihan disease is a rare complication of rosacea, characterized by persistent lymphoedema on the upper half of the face, occurring during the chronic clinical course of rosacea. This refractory condition has been also designated as 'rosacea lymphoedema' and 'solid persistent facial oedema of rosacea '. We report a patient with Morbihan disease showing persistent lymphoedema on the upper half of the face accompanied by unique histological findings of striking dermal dilated lymphatics and damage of the lymphatics at the site of the adjacent epithelioid cell granulomas, with histiocytes bulging into the lymphatic lumen. The marked epithelioid cell granulomas forming around dermal lymphatic vessels with subsequent lymphatic damage and luminal obstruction by histiocytic infiltration may account for the development of lymphoedema in this patient. "Persistent lymphoedema in Morbihan disease: formation of perilymphatic epithelioid cell granulomas as a possible pathogen...