Here we propose to quantify local temperature variations using thermal imaging to assess the effect of dermatological lasers.
To quantify the temperature raise induced by laser application and to differentiate the effects of a potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) laser and an intense pulsed light (IPL).
A randomized comparative study was performed on 10 adult volunteers with symmetrical rosacea treated by KTP laser or IPL. Skin temperature measurements were performed on inclusion, immediately after laser treatment and 3 min after thermal water application, using a high-resolution (0.08 degrees C) infrared thermal video camera.
KTP laser treatment induced a significant rise in local skin temperature whereas no significant change was revealed by the IPL treatment. The infrared camera is a reliable and reproducible technique that allows a follow-up of skin temperature without skin contact.
CONCLUSION: Thermography using an infrared camera could potentially be applied in clinical pharmacology for inflammatory reactions or scarring processes.
"Validation of a non-contact technique for local skin temperature measurements"
George J, Bensafi A, Schmitt AM, Black D, Dahan S, Loche F, Lagarde JM
Skin Res Technol. 2008 Nov ; 14(4): 381-4 (
Highlight :
Treatment Of Rosacea | Acne Rosacea Antibiotic
To quantify the temperature raise induced by laser application and to differentiate the effects of a potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) laser and an intense pulsed light (IPL).
A randomized comparative study was performed on 10 adult volunteers with symmetrical rosacea treated by KTP laser or IPL. Skin temperature measurements were performed on inclusion, immediately after laser treatment and 3 min after thermal water application, using a high-resolution (0.08 degrees C) infrared thermal video camera.
KTP laser treatment induced a significant rise in local skin temperature whereas no significant change was revealed by the IPL treatment. The infrared camera is a reliable and reproducible technique that allows a follow-up of skin temperature without skin contact.
CONCLUSION: Thermography using an infrared camera could potentially be applied in clinical pharmacology for inflammatory reactions or scarring processes.
"Validation of a non-contact technique for local skin temperature measurements"
George J, Bensafi A, Schmitt AM, Black D, Dahan S, Loche F, Lagarde JM
Skin Res Technol. 2008 Nov ; 14(4): 381-4 (
Highlight :
Treatment Of Rosacea | Acne Rosacea Antibiotic